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When Will the Bright Moon Appear








When will the bright moon appear?
Lifting my cup, I ask the sky.
I do not know in the heavenly palaces,
What year it is tonight.
I long to ride the wind and return,
But fear the jade towers and celestial halls,
As the heights would be too cold to bear.
Dancing with my shadow in the clear moonlight,
How could this compare to life on Earth?

The moonlight shines upon the red pavilions,
Through the latticed windows, it illuminates the sleepless.
Why must there be regrets? Why does the moon
Always seem to be full when people part?
Humans have their joys and sorrows, separations and reunions.
The moon waxes and wanes, is bright and dim.
Such things have been hard to fulfill since ancient times.
I only hope for lasting peace,
For us to share the beauty of the moon, though we are far apart.

** This poetic reflection blends human emotions with the phases of the moon, beautifully capturing the universality of change, separation, and hope.


celestial   something heavenly or related to the sky
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When will the bright moon appear

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