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When the little robin was beginning to learn about flying and singing, his mother said to him, "Learn to fly fast and high. Sing behind thick foliage or bird catchers will get you. Keep out of sight of human beings. They may praise your songs and admire your brilliant plumage. You must think nothing of their praises or their admiration. Once you are caught and put in a cage, you'll lose forever the life of the open sky and vast plain. You'll face only iron bars and see neither sunrise nor sunset".

The little robin had heard the warning and advice of his parents and his relatives many times. His uncle said the same thing. His aunt echoed it. His grandmother talked at length about it. At last, it began to sound like some repetitive nonsense that only parrots cared to pick up or listen to. So, the warning fell on deaf ears.

The little robin flew wherever he liked and sang whenever he pleased. He laughed at the crows for being so ugly and noisy. He looked down on the hens that could only produce cackling noises. He spoke disrespectfully of all other birds.

He sang to passers-by. They stopped to listen to his merry songs. Young people or old ones, all praised him in one voice. "What an appreciative audience these human beings are!" thought the little robin. He sang on the fence, on windowsills, on pillars and poles. He had thrown caution to the wind.

One day, the little robin flew to a garden. He started to sing. Something shot up from below. Before he could fly away, the robin found himself glued to a few sticks smeared with glue. He pulled and struggled. His wings were caught in the glue too. A man appeared. With a grin, he took the robin into the house. He removed the glue from the little robin's feathers and feet. Then, he put the bird into a cage.

Only then did the little robin remember his mother's words. The blue sky faded away as tears filled his eyes.


Why did the little robin's relatives warn him ?

    (A) To stop the little robin from being proud.
    (B) To prevent the little robin from enjoying himself.

To prevent the little robin from being captured.

    (D) To make the little robin more respectful to others.
  2. What did the little robin think of the advice ?
    (A) He was deaf and could not hear.

He ignored the advice.

    (C) He thought only parrots listened to such advice.
    (D) He thought the advice made good sense.
  3. The little robin liked to sing to human beings because ______.

he was appreciated by them

    (B) he had a loud voice
    (C) he liked singing
    (D) he could sing for hours
  4. The little robin could not escape because ______.
    (A) he was shot by a hunter
    (B) his wings were injured
    (C) he was trapped in a garden

he was stuck to a few sticks smeared with glue

  5. What happened to the little robin in the end ?

He was caged.

    (B) He died.
    (C) He escaped.
    (D) He became blind.
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Answers : 1)C   2)B   3)A   4)D   5)A


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Comprehension 1


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