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The Tranquil Elegance of Plain Water
The faint scent of tea flows down the throat, refreshing the lungs and soothing the heart with a lingering fragrance. A sip of unsweetened coffee, bitter at first but followed by a sweet aftertaste, leaves a lasting impression. Tasting a mouthful of green wine, slightly astringent and bitter, it satisfies the taste buds and carries the aromatic charm of the wine. However, compared to these beverages, I still prefer colorless and tasteless plain water.

Plain water may not be luxurious, but it possesses a tolerance that sees through the world. It may not be beautiful, but it embodies purity, simplicity, and elegance. It may not have a strong flavor, but it remains true to its essence, unaffected by the pursuit of fame and fortune. This is why I like it, and it is also the belief I hold in my actions and character.

Everyone knows that plain water has gone through the fire, removing impurities and attaining its pure nature. Just like when we go through our youth, we need to temper ourselves, undergo hardships, and experience difficulties in order to cultivate a character and spirit similar to plain water. Therefore, it is good to take some detours when we are young. If we don't encounter obstacles and setbacks in our youth, how can we grow? How can we achieve something significant in the future?

As the gentle breeze caresses my face, providing comforting solace, I always prepare a glass of plain water for myself on the journey of life. It is not just to quench my thirst but also to gain insights into the world through its reflection. It teaches me about the rise and fall of all things, the beauty and decay, and the acceptance it embodies. Regardless of good or evil, beauty or ugliness, or the harsh realities of the world, I aspire to be like water, "rising above the mud, untainted, and cleansing the impurities without losing myself."

On a night filled with sparkling stars, if you were to ask me what moistens my throat by my table, without hesitation, I would tell you it is plain water. In the quiet of the night, I offer myself a moment of tranquility, wielding a pen to write poetry, admiring the moon and sketching the stars, and savoring the fragrance of flowers from afar. I let my heart be free from the busyness of the daytime, unconcerned with the glamour and noise of the world. I let my heart be as serene as a glass of plain water, clear and pure. A heart without external distractions, desires, or demands, able to withstand all emotions and transform gentleness into strength.

In those moments, when the golden house no longer hides within the pages of a book, and when fame and fortune are placed before you, how would you react? My friend, I hope you can take a sip of plain water. It will teach you how to approach success and fame, how to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune, and how to maintain a tranquil state of mind, walking the path of light without straying. I dare to ask, how many people in this world suffer from a guilty conscience due to momentary greed in this lifetime? They may have good food and comfortable living conditions, yet they remain restless, plagued by guilt, haunted in the depths of the night. I would advise them to drink more plain water and consume less bewitching potions, to walk the righteous path in this world and live a life full of experiences.

Plain water, tasteless yet containing countless meanings; Plain water, unadorned yet deeply profound; Plain water, colorless yet exuding nobility. Drinking a glass of plain water gives me a sense of the water's soul, allowing me to refine myself, embrace all things and embody clarity, elegance, and a lack of desire for worldly achievements. I aim to live a life of simplicity and purity, unburdened by the pursuit of fame and fortune. Give me a glass of plain water, and I shall not cling to the distractions of the material world. Instead, I shall find solace in tranquility.
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In this passage, the author expresses a preference for plain water over other flavorful and aromatic beverages. They admire the simplicity and purity of plain water, which embodies tolerance, clarity, and a lack of worldly desires. The author compares the process of purifying water to the challenges and hardships faced in life, emphasizing the importance of growth and resilience. Plain water serves as a metaphor for maintaining a calm and uncorrupted mindset amidst the temptations of wealth and fame. It represents a tranquil and humble way of life, allowing one to appreciate the beauty of the world without being consumed by its distractions. The author concludes by advocating for the virtues of plain water and the pursuit of a content and meaningful existence.

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