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The Real Threats to Earth
In 2012, people around the world were worried that the world would end according to an ancient Mayan prediction. Luckily, nothing happened. However, it is important to realize that Earth is actually in danger, not from asteroids or rogue planets, but from our actions and their impact on the environment. There are three major threats to Earth: global warming, loss of biodiversity, and water and air pollution.

Global warming is a result of the release of greenhouse gases like methane and carbon dioxide into the air when coal and oil are burned. These gases trap heat from the sun in the Earth's atmosphere, causing temperatures to rise around the world and changing climate patterns. In recent years, global warming has worsened, resulting in unusual and extreme weather conditions such as droughts, floods, and dangerous hurricanes.

Another problem the Earth faces is the extinction of plants and animals. Over the past century, more than 10,000 plant and animal species have gone extinct, and about 25 percent of all remaining species are in danger of disappearing. This can cause ecosystems to collapse, which will have a severe impact on humans as well. For example, the extinction of certain species of wild corn has resulted in a loss of genetic diversity, making corn grown on farms especially vulnerable to diseases and pests, which can affect our food supply. Therefore, it is crucial that we acknowledge the danger of losing plant and animal species.

The third danger that we face is the pollution of air and water. Clean air and water are crucial for human survival, but many cities around the world are struggling with dirty air. For instance, in Beijing, China, air pollution reached hazardous levels where it was not safe for people to go outdoors. Similarly, water pollution can have a tremendously negative impact on our water supply, and only 3 percent of the Earth's water is actually usable without extensive processing.

To conclude, Earth is under serious threat from environmental damage, and it is our responsibility to take action to protect it. Unless we act now, the destruction of Earth is certain.

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Lower secondary English essays 1

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