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The Deceptive Book Cover: Unveiling the Truth Behind a Security Guard's Appearance
We often hear the saying, "Never judge a book by its cover." It reminds us not to make quick assumptions about someone based solely on their appearance. However, it's easy to fall into this trap, and we may not realize how far from the truth our judgments can be. This lesson became evident to me after getting to know a particular security guard who works at a factory down the street.

The security guard appears to be an old man in his fifties with a family of two children and a wife who visit him regularly. They dress in shabby clothes, and their meals seem simple. He works during the day elsewhere and comes to the factory after lunch. He sleeps in the afternoon for a few hours and leaves his workplace early in the morning.

At first glance, he seems like a poor and pitiable man trying to make ends meet. He often has his lunches at places that distribute food to the poor and brings home some food for dinner. On other days, he cooks his meals using a small stove in a small area. He travels on an old and rusty bicycle and sells bundles of newspapers for a few cents.

At night, the security guard has visitors who are rough and loudmouthed. They stay with him until the small hours of the morning. Initially, I thought that these were his friends who had come to offer him company, given his difficult life. However, I later discovered the truth through my friend.

It turns out that the security guard is a money-lender and a nasty one at that. He took the job of security guard at the factory because many of his debtors work there, and it is in his best interest to keep tabs on them personally. His debtors pay high interest rates each month, and as a security guard, he ensures that they have no chance of escaping. He adopts the tactics of a loan shark, and many of his borrowers are housewives and children who cry and plead on bended knees for more time to repay their debts.

The security guard's loud and rowdy friends who visit him at night are actually his assistants who deliver updates and money. This revelation made me see him in a very different light. He takes advantage of the misfortunes of others, and his actions are despicable. Such people are void of conscience and morals and add to the woes of those already troubled.

In conclusion, the security guard's deceptive book cover, which seemed pitiable and sad, did not reveal the truth about his vile actions. It is a lesson to us all that appearances can be deceiving, and we should take the time to understand the true character of people before making judgments.

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Lower secondary English essays 1

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