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The Fateful Day of My Wallet's Disappearance
At the tender age of seven, a momentous occasion occurred in my life: I was bestowed with a diminutive wallet to safeguard my treasured pocket-money. Possessing this small, yet significant item made me feel exceedingly grown up, and I carried it with pride snug in my hip pocket.

However, on one particular day during school recess, my world was disrupted as I realized my wallet was missing. Panic surged through me as I frantically searched all my pockets, but alas, it remained elusive. Inside rested a few ringgit, vital funds that would have allowed me to purchase my much-needed sustenance.

My heart weighed heavy, and I teetered on the brink of tears. It was not merely the loss of my cherished wallet that afflicted me, but the fear of facing the potential reprimands from my parents. Nonetheless, my stomach rumbled, and I had to endure hunger that day.

Post-recess, my mind was in no state to focus on my studies. Instead, I dwelled on the mystery of my lost wallet and dreaded the forthcoming confrontation with my parents. How would I explain this calamity? I could not fathom whether someone had cunningly plucked it from my pocket or if it had merely slipped away unnoticed. In silent desperation, I prayed for the benevolent return of my wallet.

Yet, my prayers went unanswered. Thankfully, I was spared from paying for the school bus, as my fare was settled monthly.

Summoning my courage, I disclosed the unfortunate incident to my mother, who was visibly angered. She embarked on a lengthy lecture, emphasizing my carelessness. Later, when my father arrived home, I faced yet another lecture. Moreover, it was decreed that no more wallets would be granted to me until I matured and demonstrated more responsibility.

Thus, for the ensuing year and the subsequent two, I managed my meager pocket-money (which had dwindled to a mere ringgit) directly in my pocket, bereft of any wallet. I am proud to attest that never again did I lose a single coin. The ordeal had taught me a valuable lesson in vigilance and conscientiousness. The sting of losing something dear and facing the rebuke for such a loss left an indelible mark on my young mind.

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