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Dancing in Darkness
In the midst of an ordinary evening, just as I was preparing to indulge in the enchanting world of a cartoon show on television, fate intervened with an abrupt power failure. The television screen faded to black, the lights extinguished, and the once comforting hum of the fan dwindled to silence. As the darkness encroached upon our surroundings, I clung to the hope that the power would swiftly be restored, but alas, it remained elusive.

With the neighborhood swallowed in darkness, we hastened to illuminate our abode with the warm glow of candlelight, which was all we had at our disposal. My mother, recognizing our scarcity, sent me on a venture to a nearby sundry shop in search of additional candles.

"Regrettably, no more candles," the shopkeeper lamented, informing me that our neighbors had already depleted their stock. However, my resourceful father managed to retrieve two kerosene lamps, providing some respite from the shadows that engulfed us.

The absence of the whirring fan left an oppressive warmth in the air, and we found ourselves at a loss, waiting patiently for the power's return. In the living-room, we gathered in silence, realizing how heavily reliant we had become on the marvels of electricity, and how uncomfortable life seemed without it. I resorted to using a book as a makeshift fan to alleviate the heat.

As the hours wore on and bedtime approached, the power remained elusive. Nevertheless, I navigated my way to my room in the darkness, changed into my nightclothes, and settled into my bed, surrounded by an eerie absence of the familiar glow. Despite the disconcerting atmosphere, sleep eventually claimed me.

The power was eventually restored at the break of dawn, a belated resumption that served no purpose, for by then, the darkness had lost its grip on our home, and we no longer required the long-awaited electricity.

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