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Ways to handle the increase in commodity prices
After breathing the breath of freedom for 55 years, our motherland has rapidly developed like mushrooms growing after rain. In connection with that, the proverb says that, there are hills and there are marshes, but we cannot rest on our laurels because behind the progress being enjoyed, our country is still strangled by a more complicated inflation wave. Although this issue is hotly discussed and often on the lips of society, but has it ever crossed our mind, what is meant by inflation? Inflation is defined as the situation of rising prices of goods due to an increase in purchasing power. Therefore, this issue cannot be taken lightly and a solution formula must be implemented to unravel this problem, as the proverb says, there is no mountain that cannot be climbed, there is no cliff that cannot be descended.

Every illness has its effective cure, every problem has an effective solution, therefore, the government should take the initiative by consistently organizing thrift campaigns throughout the country and not just coughing on the steps. Quoting the words of the philosopher Lootze, wastefulness and greed lead humans to destruction. Therefore, the campaign should emphasize the importance of thrifty practices so that this pure value can become a practice in Malaysian society. The more effective action, the public should be called upon to shop according to their own abilities, like measuring clothes on their own bodies and not trying to exaggerate. Shopping according to whims will bring bad consequences as the Malay proverb states, follow your desires, follow your heart, and follow your feelings you will perish. In addition, the government should also hold contests that can attract public participation, such as poetry contests, writing essays, performances by artists, etc. in an effort to spread the campaign. It is clear that organizing consistent and holistic thrift campaigns is a powerful shield to unravel the issue of rising commodity prices.

If one door is closed, another door will open to resolve any difficulties that occur in our country, including the issue of rising prices. However, we still look and then regret because the solution door is closed too long so we can't see the other door that has opened. That is the picture of the implications of the words of Alexander Graham Bell, a Western scientist and mathematician, who showed that every problem has an effective way to overcome it. As a continuation of the idea, the action of non-government agencies or NGOs protecting consumer rights from uncontrolled price increases in the market is a concrete step that should be taken at all times. Organizations or agencies that support this government role such as the Malaysian Consumers Association or FOMCA and the Penang Consumers Association or CAP, have supported the obligation to protect the rights of consumers. These parties are responsible for receiving any complaints and investigating any problems faced, including the issue of rising prices for necessities, the sale of goods that have passed the expiration date, excessive service charges, and so on. Subsequently, FOMCA and CAP must take appropriate action to ensure that the rights of consumers are protected and not easily exploited by cunning and irresponsible traders. These organizations must establish a relationship of close brotherhood, tied together like betel leaves, and we also adhere to the philosophy of Confucius, what is the use if we sleep with different pillows but our dreams are different, it's better if we sleep with different pillows but our dreams are still the same. The conclusion is that protecting consumer rights from uncontrolled price increases in the market is an effective action by non-government agencies or NGOs."

"A Western psychologist once revealed that there is no problem that cannot be solved, while life without problems is empty. These words are indeed true and all citizens in this country must be grounded in reality because every problem we face must have a comprehensive method and approach. Based on this manifestation, the authorities should always make monitoring and take firm action against anyone who arbitrarily raises prices without obtaining approval from the relevant authorities. Relevant government officials should also play an important role in conducting surprise inspections of business premises from time to time to ensure that traders comply with the established regulations and do not act like leeches. Meanwhile, the government should also fulfill their responsibility to draft, codify, and strengthen laws seriously and transparently so as to give warnings to traders. Any trader who tries to raise prices or sets a trap in an emergency must be charged in court.

The Aladdin lamp won't light itself, but Aladdin will rub it first, exactly the phrase "word of Alex Osborn" has proven that success as sweet as honey won't be generated without hard work, because the Malay proverb says, if the coconut isn't cracked, how can we get its water. In fact, the mass media also has the responsibility to disseminate information related to consumer knowledge as a pre-emptive measure to counter the problem of rising prices. As we are aware that consumer knowledge among the Malaysian community is still limited and outdated. Therefore, it is not surprising if some traders who prioritize profit will act like skimming the murky water, oppressing innocent consumers. Therefore, the mass media must contribute its energy optimally by applying knowledge related to consumer rights to all strata of society. With the commitment of the mass media, consumers will know the efficient method to claim their rights from being manipulated by unscrupulous traders. For example, when there is a price increase in goods, consumers will be able to make complaints to the relevant authorities and non-government agencies so that their rights can be maintained. Through the dissemination of information by print and electronic media, consumers, including housewives, will gain total consumer knowledge and act courageously in fighting for their rights and overcoming the turmoil of rising prices in the country.

After a long discussion, it is clear that all levels of society must come together to put a stop to the rising prices of goods at its root. As upright and moral humans, we should not raise our hands to the sky waiting for the fall of the magical Aladdin lamp because the Malay proverb says, the round doesn't come rolling, the flat doesn't come floating. Therefore, all members of the community must fully support the effort to overcome the issue.

arbitrarily   in a way that uses personal power unfairly and without considering people's rights and wishes

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