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The Benefits of Part-Time Jobs for Students
In today's modern society, people are increasingly burdened with the uncertain economic effects of modernization. Almost everyone uses gadgets such as smartphones to face their daily routines. In addition, the rising cost of basic necessities such as food, drinks, and clothing has put economic pressure on society. As a result, some students are forced to take on part-time jobs to meet their own economic needs and lighten the burden on their parents. This situation can be seen especially in higher education institutions and during long school holidays. If we look at it from a positive point of view, there are various benefits of working part-time for students. Therefore, it is appropriate to discuss these benefits for the well-being of students, parents, and national leaders.

One of the benefits of working part-time while studying at university or during school holidays is that it can fill their free time with useful activities. Nowadays, we can see through the media that young people are caught up in negative trends such as illegal racing, drug abuse, and gangsterism. However, this polemic can be avoided if they use their free time to work part-time at restaurants, shopping centers, and so on. Furthermore, as a student, they will have less time to do meaningless things other than studying and then working part-time. At first, they may feel tired because of the energy and time used for themselves, but later they will understand that the actions they take are beneficial for themselves. As the Malay proverb goes, "Rowing upstream, swimming to shore, suffering first, and enjoying later."

Another benefit that students will gain when working part-time is that they can improve their personal skills. This is important because as they approach adulthood, students need to hone their personal skills, especially communication skills, to become confident individuals. These social skills are also important for students when they enter the working world later on. In addition, students will also gain new skills in the type of work they do. For example, when working as a restaurant server, they will learn about dining etiquette, managing orders, and so on. This experience is valuable if students realize it and can implement it in their future lives. In conclusion, working part-time while studying as a student can improve their personal skills because the sea they tap into will never run dry.

At the same time, part-time jobs can help students financially. It is common knowledge that some students work because of a lack of financial support, but some work part-time just to earn extra money for personal satisfaction. Whatever the student's intention is for working part-time, make sure the money or salary earned is used wisely. Some may use it to cover the cost of university tuition or rent and motorcycle expenses, for example. Some students will save that money, as the saying goes, "Prepare an umbrella before it rains." Others may use it to have fun doing activities with friends. This action can help to reduce the financial burden that has been borne by parents indirectly and, to a certain extent, cultivate students to be independent and learn to manage their finances better. In short, working part-time as a student can strengthen their financial aspects as well as their families.

Finally, students who work part-time can develop good discipline. If they work, they must manage their time to study and rest well. By doing so, they will be able to achieve their academic goals and perform well at their part-time jobs. In addition, this good discipline will also help them to become better individuals in their future lives.

In conclusion, there are several benefits of working part-time for students. By working part-time, students can fill their free time with useful activities, improve their personal skills, gain financial independence, and develop good discipline.

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