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Advantages and Benefits of Local Fruits
As Malaysian citizens, we should be grateful for the variety of natural resources available to us. The fertility of our lands and sufficient water sources have given us various types of delicious and appetizing local fruits. As the local fruit season approaches, all Malaysians will be delighted and flock to supermarkets or stalls that sell these fruits. Besides durian and rambutan, the emergence of the sweet-smelling Harum Manis fruit from Perlis has gained popularity among locals. We can see that local fruits are actually more preferred by the local population compared to imported fruits. As the Malay proverb goes, "gold rain in someone else's land, stone rain in our own land, it is better to be in our own land." The question is, what are the advantages and benefits of local fruits to us as the primary consumers of these commodities?

One of the benefits we will gain if we buy local fruits is getting the unique benefits and best quality of these fruits. As we know, local fruits are grown and harvested locally. Therefore, they are easily accessible and can be consumed fresh from farmers' fields. Compared to fruits from foreign countries, the long logistics process affects the quality and condition of the fruit. As consumers, we will lose out as the vitamin and nutrient content of the fruit has decreased and does not provide any benefits. For example, papaya, known as the "fruit of the angels," is a tropical fruit that contains vitamins A, C, E, and K. In addition, it also contains antioxidants that are good for our body and is great for our skin and hair health. Based on scientific research, the enzymes contained in papaya can remove signs of aging, reduce acne, stimulate hair growth, and strengthen hair. It is proven that local fruits also have high quality and benefits, as the saying goes, "still waters run deep."

Additionally, local fruits have an advantage over imported fruits because of their affordable prices. Imported fruits are usually sold at a high price due to the logistic costs borne by the supplier. These costs include harvesting, packaging, and delivery. However, local fruits do not require much logistic costs as supplies can be obtained nearby, and supermarkets have a special section for local fruits. Farmers and traders commonly sell them directly from the fields as people like to get fresh and easily accessible fruits. Inadvertently, the price will be cheaper, and buyers can enjoy fresh and high-quality fruits without having to spend more. As a result, the conventional community will choose local fruits over imports because of the affordable price and the freshness and quality they offer.

Moreover, the benefits of local fruits are that they can help to boost domestic economic growth. This is because the dependency rate of the country's food supply generally has a high percentage of imports. If a disaster or global pandemic occurs, where import and export activities are forced to stop, the country's food supply will be reduced. Therefore, to achieve a level of self-sufficiency in the food supply in the country, the empowerment of agriculture and food production must be implemented. Hence, we must support all efforts to increase food supplies by creating high demand. As the saying goes, "where there is sugar, there are ants." Similarly, buying local fruits can help to boost the local economy.

In conclusion, there are various advantages and benefits of local fruits to us as consumers and the country's economy. By choosing local fruits, we can enjoy the unique benefits and best quality of the fruits while saving costs. At the same time, we can help to boost the country's economy by supporting the agricultural and food production industries. Let us appreciate and enjoy the local fruits we have been blessed with as Malaysians.

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