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How to Respect Teachers
Over the past two to three decades, it has been observed that the culture of respecting teachers in schools has been forgotten. In the past, parents would entrust teachers with full autonomy to educate their children. However, this culture has been reversed where teachers are blamed for punishing students at school for violating rules and so on. Teachers are like candles that burn themselves to show the right path to us. Therefore, every individual who has a profession as a teacher should be respected for the service and sacrifice they make in educating the nation's children. Let us discuss ways to respect teachers as a student or former student.

Firstly, courtesy and manners are the fifth pillar of the National Principles. As responsible citizens, we should uphold the National Principles in our daily routines. Students are encouraged to always be polite when communicating with their teachers. For example, students should address their teachers as "cikgu", "tuan" or "puan" and use a low and clear tone. When we are courteous to our teachers, they will certainly feel gentle and treat us with genuine love and sincerity to educate us. In addition, students who are polite can facilitate the teaching and learning process in the classroom because teachers do not have to think about how to manage the students' personalities.

Secondly, teachers should be respected by students by obeying school rules. This is because students nowadays find it difficult to comply with simple instructions and rules such as lining up and not making noise. This situation is a burden that has been added to the teachers' shoulders in managing the students' personalities. Therefore, if students obey school rules and teacher instructions, it can help facilitate the teachers' tasks. The Malay proverb says, "in one ear and out the other," which means that the advice given is not listened to and practiced. This negative attitude needs to be avoided, especially among students because they are much younger than the teachers.

At the same time, students should also maintain cleanliness and the welfare of the school area as a sign of respect for teachers. For example, a bright and clean classroom can provide comfort to teachers and students themselves to attend the teaching and learning process. This matter can help teachers feel comfortable in carrying out their duties. Students can also pay more attention because of the conducive environment in the classroom. As a result, more enjoyable learning activities can be conducted and attract the attention of both parties, namely teachers and students, to always attend classes or school. The value of cleanliness and concern for welfare is not solely the responsibility of a teacher, but it is the trust of every parent who has been given offspring to become stewards on this earth.

Lastly, a way to respect teachers is by giving academic or co-curricular achievements to them. When we achieve excellent results or win a competition, it can surely provide relief and happiness to them. By honouring the school's name, teachers will feel proud because their teaching has produced successful students in academic or other fields. For former students, success in life can also be one way to honour the teachers who have devoted their time and energy to teach us in our early years.

In conclusion, various ways can be practised by students and former students to respect teachers. Respecting teachers is not only the responsibility of students but it is also the responsibility of every citizen. As a nation, we must uphold the values of respect for teachers to ensure that the education system is always excellent.

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