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Useful Activities to Fill Leisure Time
In recent years, Malaysia has made great progress compared to before independence. The post-industrial and post-globalization era has brought the country towards development that is in line with other foreign countries. Over the past decade, various infrastructures have been developed and upgraded to provide the best function for the community to use. However, there are some individuals with narrow-mindedness and are influenced to engage in activities that are not beneficial for themselves and the community. For example, illegal racing activities at night are still happening among the community, causing innocent lives to be lost due to reckless behavior. The authorities, especially parents, need to be more responsible and ensure that their children do not engage in unproductive activities. The question that arises is what are the useful activities to fill leisure time.

One of the activities that can be done by every member of the community regardless of age is to participate in activities such as sports and exercise to fill leisure time. Our community actually has a great interest in sports activities as the country has successfully produced world-class athletes. With active involvement by the government in ensuring the development of sports in the country, local communities benefit where sports facilities and arenas are developed. Almost every state has complete sports facilities such as stadiums, swimming complexes, badminton courts, and so on. This activity provides various benefits to practitioners, especially from a health perspective. Sports can also help in promoting healthy social interactions and improving the discipline or self-identity of every individual who is committed and active in the activity. As a result, leisure time can be filled, and various other implicit benefits can be obtained by all.

If we have limitations to participate in activities outside the home, we can also spend leisure time by reading books or useful online articles. Recently, the reading culture has seen a decline in conventional society. This is due to the explosion of mobile technology such as smartphones and the internet that have stolen the attention of the younger generation. The ease of obtaining entertainment and playing interesting video games has caused many young people today to be careless and distracted. As a result, many of them are neglecting their studies and not interested in pursuing professional fields such as engineering and science. This situation must be addressed, and parents need to be the best role models for their children so that their leisure time is filled with reading activities at home. Reading materials do not necessarily have to be scientific as it will invite boredom for young children. Reading articles such as world sports developments are an easy example to be read by the younger generation. In conclusion, reading can provide various benefits if done during one's leisure time.

Another activity that can be done to fill leisure time is to visit family or relatives. Busy working parents have caused children today to not know their relatives or cousins who are related to them. If we look back, sibling relationships whether distant or close are strong and they knew each other well in the past. This is because they spent time playing together in the village yard during their free time. Therefore, if we have the opportunity of time and money to visit family or relatives, we should bring our children along, especially to get to know their origins and roots better. Visiting activities also allow us to find out if our family or relatives are facing problems and extending our help to them within our capabilities.

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